

The role of switchgear

Source:wenhui  Date:2020-07-23 16:51

The role of switchgear

The object of the relay protection device

△ High-voltage switchgear

△ The relay protection device is generally installed on the high-voltage switchgear as a component of the high-voltage switchgear


The role of switchgear

● When using high-voltage power transmission, due to the high voltage level, an arc will be generated when a line with a load is disconnected;

cnc sheet bending machine

△ Vacuum arc extinguishing——vacuum circuit breaker, generally used at 10KV

                       And the following voltage levels

△ SF6 arc extinguishing——SF6 circuit breaker, generally used in 35KV

                        Above voltage level

△ Oil circuit breaker-more oil circuit breaker, less oil circuit breaker.

<img alt="busbar punching shearing machine" border=0" title="busbar punching shearing machine" data-original-height="2160" data-original-width="4096" src="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hSR-BCbQe8Q/Xv2YTNOXY_I/AAAAAAAAAUI/L_ta6q19yegNc6apZE5ZmWJZ9I2r5tKUQCK4BGAsYHg/w781-h413/portable%2Bhydraulic%2Bbusbar%2Bbending%2Bmachine.jpg" width="781" />

The volume is huge, and the use of insulating oil as an arc extinguishing medium is easy to fire, has poor safety, and has a large amount of repair and maintenance work. It is basically eliminated at present.


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