

Quality index of electric energy

Source:wenhui  Date:2020-07-23 16:49

Quality index of electric energy


bus bar punching shearing machine

Voltage quality standards: overvoltage and undervoltage affect the safe operation of electrical equipment


Rated frequency: 50Hz (Foreign: 50 or 60Hz)

copper pipe bender

Frequency deviation: ±0.2Hz (≥3000MW system)

±0.5Hz (<3000MW system)

Overseas: ±(0.1~0.2)Hz or ±0.5Hz


aluminium busbars

Quality standard: sine wave voltage and current

Harmonic Harm and Suppression: It will have a negative impact on the power grid, power equipment, and communications. Such as: increasing line loss, harming capacitors, affecting measurement, and protecting malfunctions.

Harm of low power factor: increase line loss, occupy transformer capacity, occupy line transmission capacity, cause terminal voltage to decrease, etc.

The harm of three-phase imbalance: increase the line loss; the increase of the neutral line current causes the neutral point to shift, causing the voltage to deviate from the phase, affecting the safety of the electrical equipment; reducing the transformer utilization rate and reducing the transformer service life.

All product pictures existing in this catalog are representative and may not have exactly the same appearance and features with the machines to be produced later. Machine appearances and features are subject to change without any prenotification.